Freedom for Adoption
May 2017 - This is the new colt, Freedom. He is small, probably around 8 months old and we believe he may be a Standardbred. He already navigates obstacles and is very sweet. We are assessing his needs and enjoying his personality. He eats lots of groceries so we are hopeful he will make a quick turn-around.
Sponsor Freedom here

Update - June 21, 2017
Freedom managed to injure himself. Somehow he got a tree branch caught in his tail and it spooked him causing him to panic and crash into the gate. The Veterinarian was out yesterday to examine and tend to his wounded leg. Xrays were taken and there doesn't appear to be any ligament nor bone damage, he is not lame, but the leg will need to be kept treated and wrapped with regular bandage changes. He is also scheduled to be gelded next Tuesday. Any donations to help with his Vet bills would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Update - July 30, 2017:
Look how Freedom has improved and matured. He just turned 1 and would make a great project. He is small for his age and we are still unsure of his breed, but he will make his new owner a nice little horse. Freedom is available for adoption.